
Thank you for all your kind comments and words. It really does mean a lot and I'd like to thank you all for all your support over the last year or so. Take care, stay healthy and be lucky. TMH

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Thank you for your great work. Been reading every morning. Shame it is the last week! Thanks again

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Sorry to see you go. This has been such a great piece every day

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You will be missed. Thank you for your great work. The Morning Hark was my fav daily reading.

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Thanks for everything and I hope all is well! Keep up the great work with Harkster -- it's an incredible platform!

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That's a pity. Thank you for your hard work, it was appreciated. Take care.

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You've become one of my daily habits. Sorry to see you go!

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Thank you for sharing you knowledge, wisdom and wit with all of us. Best of fortunes going forward.

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It's been such a pleasure leaning on your great work with the commentaries. I know insto guys with bloomberg terminals that would rather start their mornings with TMH than their bloomberg market live/ first word etc. Sad to see it go but i'm sure the decision has been carefully weighed.

Wish you the very best!

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Thank you and godspeed!

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Thank you for your excellent work & wish you all the very best.

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Thank you for all your fine work !!!

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Hoping the app is just as helpful as this newsletter has been, best of luck and thank you!

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Although I am sorry to see TMH stop, I like to believe that you’re moving on to do great things. That, shall I say, my friend is what this is all about, isn’t it? Thank you. And I remain optimistic that our destiny will cross again. Hopefully before the next football world up! Until then, do us all a great favour: Take a great care of yourself.

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well here goes my favorite daily reading

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Thanks for all those Informations and all the best.

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