As you will have seen, through some of our recent publications, we are building out our new product, HarksterAI. We believe that this is an exciting new chapter for the Harkster and we will be sharing more details with you in the coming months.
On that basis, we wish to announce that, as of 30 June, the Harkster Newsletter publications; TMH, Morning Call Script, Read on the Trading Floor and Saturday Hark Back, will cease to be published. The time spent writing and researching for the newsletters will be redirected towards building out and supporting HarksterAI.
Where relevant, refunds will be issued for any subscriber payments made for the period after 30 June. In addition, as of that date, the Harkster Research Inbox website will be decommissioned.
The first iteration of the HarksterAI offering is scheduled for late July. If anyone would like to hear more about this offering, and join the early adopter program, please email Hello@Harkster.com.
At this time we, at the Harkster, would like to thank you all for your support over the last few months and years. We hope that you have found the newsletters to be entertaining and a useful tool in your daily market’s routine. We’d finally like to wish you, the Harkster Subsrcibers, all the best for the future.
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